A Little Courage | Ein Fingerhut voll Mut
A teacup-sized little girl discovers a playground in a potted plant, and the perfect swimming pool in a glass of water. Then when she sees a mysterious shadow lurking beyond her books and paper clips, she must summon her courage. But wait! Could this fluffy, purring creature be a friend?
English - North-South Books
German - NordSüd Verlag
Korean - Woongjin Junior / 웅진주니어 - 용기를 냈어
French Canadian - Monsieur Ed — Petit Courage
Chinese - Taobao - 只要勇敢-点点
Written by Taltal Levi
Illustrated by Taltal Levi
ISBN: 978-3-314-10489-3
Awards & Recognitions
2019 - Nominated for Serafina Nachwuchspreis award
2019 - Finalist at the Golden Pinwheel Young Illustrators Competition
2020 - Showcased at the Society of Illustrators Original Art Show
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